My Summer Holiday

Its been a while since I lasted posted on this blog. Now Summer is coming to an end, the evenings are getting cooler, and Autumn is on its way. Not too long ago now I got back from my holiday in Wales, and I had a fantastic time. The Gower has to be one of my all time favourite places to visit. I had a lot of opportunities to take photographs, so I though that today I would share some of them on here.

Sunset at Llangennith Beach (at the campsite)

I am particularly happy with the way the above photograph has turned out. I really love the interesting effect and cool pattern that has been created by the ripples. All the different colours and the reflection of the sun make this an image that I am pleased with.

At the time I was not too happy that a child had ran into my shot, but looking back it worked really well and gives this a better perspective. I later tried this with my family, which you can see below.

Three Cliffs Bay

I love this beach with all its rocks and caves, as well as the actual sand and sea itself. I could spend hours here with my camera, as there is always something interesting and new around the corner.

I like how well this picture has worked. The combination of contrast, detail and bright colours, as well as the low angle. The shadows also give the rock a more interesting effect. I like the idea that this could have been taken anywhere.

There are more pictures, but I didn't want to overload this with images, and it would probably take me days to upload all of them. Still, thank you for checking this post out, I hope that you have liked it.
